Sustainable Maryland Community Certification Report

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This is the Sustainable Maryland Certification Report of Boonsboro, a Sustainable Maryland bronze certified applicant.

Boonsboro was certified on October 08, 2020 with 355 points. Listed below is information regarding Boonsboro’s Sustainable Maryland efforts and materials associated with the applicant’s certified actions.

Contact Information

The designated Sustainable Maryland contact for Boonsboro is:

Title/Position:Town Manager / Boonsboro Environmental Commission
Address:21 North Main Street Boonsboro, MD 21713
Boonsboro, MD 21713

Actions Implemented

Each approved action and supporting documentation for which Boonsboro was approved for in 2020 appears below. Note: Standards for the actions below may have changed and the documentation listed may no longer satisfy requirements for that action.

  • Community Action

    Innovative Demonstration Projects - Community Action

    15 Points

    Program Summary: IDP #1 - Free WiFi Downtown IDP #2 - National Night Out

    Participation in MD Green Schools

    15 Points

    Program Summary: Boonsboro has one certified Green School, Boonsboro Elementary School (2016) and one Certified Green Center, Claude E Kitchens Outdoor School at Fairview (2014) where Boonsboro students attend programs regularly. UPDATE: Boonsboro Elementary School is still Green School certified (as of 9/17/2020).

    Green Team Action Plan

    10 Points

    Program Summary: As part of the 2014 Certification, an action plan was completed based upon a community survey. Since 2014, the Green Team worked on projects identified in the action plan, as well as incorporated new projects. The action plan was revisited yearly and updated. The updated Action plan still addresses the top concerns of the citizens of Boonsboro and additional items. It follows the declared vision and goals of environmental and resource conservation; improving transportation, energy use, and infrastructure; being sensitive to land use and open spaces; community awareness; and waste reduction. In May of 2017, the Action Plan was updated to include an additional three years of activities and formally approved by the Green Team. UPDATE: The BEC/Green Team has planned 3 Action Plan items for 2020-2022: A Community Garden, something we have worked on for several years but have not been able to implement as of this date--it is an ongoing Action Plan; a Plastic Straw Challenge-- our hope is to get as many local businesses to discontinue using plastic straws and use a more sustainable straw instead; and develop a Green Spaces subcommittee. A subcommittee has been established--to survey the town's "blank" spaces that need to be "greened up" with trees, shrubs, planter boxes, etc. One idea is to get funding to install hanging planters on the town lampposts on Main Street.

    Green Team

    10 Points

    Program Summary: The formation of the Boonsboro Green Team began in meetings of the Boonsboro Environmental Commission, during which time a presentation from Sustainable Maryland Certified was given. Several members from that commission volunteered to be a part of the Green Team and offered names of people from other town commissions, businesses, and departments that would be interested in participating. The first meeting of the Green Team was held in September of 2013 and meetings continued through June of 2014 to work through the certification application. Since Sustainable Maryland Certification in 2014, the Boonsboro Environmental Commission has morphed into the Green Team, with most original green team members remaining as commission members. The Boonsboro Environmental Commission/Green Team meets monthly and continues to discuss, plan, and implement initiatives and projects that benefit the Community as a whole and focus on the goals of sustainability.

    Hold a Green Fair

    10 Points

    Program Summary: The inaugural Boonsboro Green Fest was held in May 2009 in the town's beautiful Shafer Park. The number of earth-friendly vendors has more than doubled since, from 84 the first year to over 200 in 2019. The all-volunteer Green Fest Committee plans and produces the festival, which includes a large recycling drop-off area, paper shredding, e-cycling, children's activities, educational booths, eco-friendly craft and plant sales, a photo contest, live music, and a food pavilion. As many as 150 volunteers are recruited each year for the day-long event, which attracts thousands of persons of all ages seeking eco-friendly products, information, and inspiration. It is estimated in 2019 over 3,000 people attended the event. Held rain or shine on the Saturday before Mother's Day to pay homage to "Mother Earth," the festival is financed through modest ($30) vendors' fees, monetary and in-kind donations from sponsoring partners, and a stipend from the town. The festival costs approximately $7,000-8,000 to produce; a balance of $1,000-2,000 is retained each year as seed money for the next year. As an "official event" of the Town of Boonsboro, the festival is automatically covered under the town's liability policy. The town government also provides storage space for equipment and materials used each year. The 2019 festival budget includes funding for printed materials, advertising, website hosting fees, entertainment, tenting, signage, and miscellaneous supplies. The 12th Annual Green Fest was cancelled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Community Based Food System

    Establish Local Farmers Market

    15 Points

    Program Summary: In June of 2015, the Town of Boonsboro began hosting and managing a Farmer’s Market in Shafer Park. The Market is still going strong--we are now in our 6th year--the season runs from May 5 to October 6, every Tuesday from 4-7. This year, we moved from Shafer Park to a more visible location, on a busy street, in a parking lot next to the Police Station. Our attendance has doubled, we have more than doubled the number of vendors, with other vendors on a waiting list. Another plus is that we have been able to stay in the same spot the entire season (at the park we had to move 2 or 3 times, due to bigger events in the park--it was confusing to our customers). We have a vendor/manager and a dedicated market administrator, who handles the day-to-day duties, paperwork, and greets (and counts) customers as they enter the market. Due to COVID-19, we have taken many precautions to protect both our vendors and our customers. We have a very active Facebook page and are mentioned on the Town Facebook page and the weekly "Around Boonsboro" section of the paper. We are self-sustaining, funding our market manager, social media person and events with vendor fees. Town of Boonsboro FB Page: Boonsboro FM FB Page:

  • Energy

    Innovative Demonstration Projects - Energy

    35 Points

    Program Summary: Energy Innovative Demonstration Projects: -Smart Energy Community UPDATE: The Town installed LED lights at the Wastewater Treatment Facility in 2019 and will continue working on the goals set in 2013. -Boonsboro Solar Array UPDATE: PPA extends to 2030. The town continues to get 90% electricity from the solar system and will continue striving for the goals set in 2015. -Boonsboro Library Solar UPDATE: The Library solar system continues to save yearly energy costs. No additional solar arrays have been installed in town, however, more and more residents have invested in solar panels on their homes each year. **Entsorga WV Tour (An alternative solution to fossil fuel energy) - In October, 2019, a tour of Entsorga, WV, was arranged by the Boonsboro Environmental Commission. Members of the Town Council, the Town Manager, Environmental Commission, Green Fest Committee, as well as members of the general public attended, 12 people in all. The purpose of the tour was to see what happens to our "non-recyclable" items collected by our town-contracted waste hauler. Entsorga takes these items and turns them into fuel for the local cement plant. If Apple Valley Waste did not bring these items to Entsorga, they would end up in the landfill. So, it's a win-win--items kept out of the landfill and 20 or so jobs were created at Entsorga. We plan on having the Director of Science, Research and Development at Entsorga as an outreach/educational speaker at our Environmental Commission meeting once the COVID-19 pandemic has passed--these speakers are open to the public.

    Municipal Energy Audits

    20 Points

    Program Summary: In December 2013, ASHRAE Level II Energy Audits were completed on four municipal buildings within the Town of Boonsboro. The audits were performed at the Town Hall, Town Hall Annex, Community Center, and Maintenance Shop and provided a complete inventory listing and usage requirements of the following components: • Lighting (Levels, Lamps, Ballast, Quantity) • Insulation: General and Roof • Windows and Doors • HVAC System (General Efficiency, Quantity and Placement) • Computers, appliances and other electrical devices The Energy Audits also identified energy conservation measures (ECM) for each of the four facilities and provided a detailed report of the projected cost, return on investment and estimated energy savings for each of the ECMs. Using the energy audit as a guidance document, the Town of Boonsboro applied for grants and updated its capital improvements plan to be able to implement the recommendations of the audit. Since 2014, the Town has completed the following projects that were recommended as energy conservation measures: ? In 2014 replaced incandescent bulbs with LED in five facilities: Boonsboro Town Hall, Town Hall Annex, Community Center, Maintenance Shop, and Boonsboro Police Station and also replaced 59 street lights with LED bulbs, with a total estimated energy savings of over 15000 kilowatt hours saved yearly. ? In late 2015/early 2016, replaced two aging heatpump/split a/c units with high efficient and energy star certified units and installed two programmable thermostats at the Community Center, reducing energy consumption by approximately 7446 kilowatt hours yearly. ? In 2016, replaced the aging electric heater and oil furnace at the Maintenance Shop with an energy efficient heat pump, radiant heater, and propane back up, resulting in cost savings of approximately $2500 per year. ? In early 2017, replaced aging split a/c units and an oil furnace with a high efficiency heat pumps and furnace, and a programmable thermostat, resulting in an annual savings of approximately 7000 kilowatt hours per year. The Town hopes to continue implementing recommendations and complete a majority of the energy conservation measures within the next few years. UPDATE: The Town plans on doing another energy audit in the very near future with Potomac Edison. In the meantime. UPDATE: An EV charging station was installed last week behind Town Hall.

  • Health & Wellness

    Innovative Demonstration Projects - Health & Wellness

    15 Points

    Program Summary: 1. IDP #1 - Town of Boonsboro 225 Celebration. This was a year-long celebration of the 225th anniversary of the founding of Boonsboro. After the initial fun run in 2017, there were follow-up Fun Runs in 2018 and 2019, sponsored by BodySense PT (Physical Therapy). In 2018 and 2019, approximately 220 people signed up to run and 45 volunteers to help, including the police department to monitor traffic. 2. IDP #2 - Yoga in the Park - The average attendees numbered six. 3. IDP #3 - Born Learning Trail (BLT), Shafer Park. This trail is connected to the town-owned Shafer Park. We asked United Way to consider Boonsboro as a place for the BLT and they made a presentation to the Mayor and Town Council. There was no cost to the Town--United Way just asked that once the Trail was installed that the Town would do the maintenance and upkeep of it. The Town Maintenance crew originally dug the post-holes for each fitness station. At each of the 10 stations, there are activities that families can do together, from fitness to musical challenges, etc., all meant to be entertaining, educational and to encourage outdoor activities. 4. Beginning the summer of 2020, Project Open Space grant money was used to connect the trail system behind the new soccer fields to Shafer Park. This will more easily enable people to walk directly from the park to the trail.

    Workplace Wellness Program

    5 Points

    Program Summary: In 2019, a Safety and Risk Committee was formed to serve as an advisory board to town administration and the Mayor and Council in their corporate governance of employee workplace health and safety. One of the goals of the S&R Committee is to create a health and wellness program through our health care provider, SIGNA. The program will incentivize the individual mental and physical health of town employees by incentivizing annual physicals and regular contact with health care providers. UPDATE: The Committee has met and hired an S&R Manager. The plan is to meet quarterly to discuss policies and update safety issues as necessary. OUTCOMES: An in-house preparedness and response plan for COVID-19 for town employees has been implemented. Also, anyone entering the building must take their own temperature and sign in. Automated external defibrillators and bleeding control kits were installed in all town buildings. A quarterly drug and alcohol-screening program has been implemented for all town employees. A list of requisite staff trainings with regard to PPE, BBP, and consigned space training was developed. Criminal background and driving records will be checked annually on all employees.

  • Local Economies

    Innovative Demonstration Projects - Local Economies

    25 Points

    Program Summary: Local Economies - IDP #1 - Clothing Swap (Update: This is one of the more popular "Zones" at our Green Fest - Many people take advantage of this wonderful offering). The last Clothing Swap took place in 2019 (No Green Fest in 2020). Local Economies - IDP #2 - Compost Bin Grant - Two bins were given out so far in 2019/2020. 76 bins have been given out since the inception of the program. Local Economies - IDP #3 - Waste Reduction Promotions Local Economies - IDP #4 - Bulk Trash Day at the park - Every Spring and Fall, the Town hosts "Bulk Trash Day." The Spring event is curbside, but the Fall event is at Shafer Park and includes many recycling stations: electronics, scrap metal, household items (both Goodwill and Habitat ReStore collect usable household and remodeling items), bicycles, mattresses, etc. Some usable items are salvaged from drop-offs and offered free to Town residents. The purpose of this event is to keep as much out of the landfill as possible. The Environmental Commission occasionally submits an article for the Town Newsletter. See documents below.

    Green Purchasing Policy

    15 Points

    Program Summary: The Town of Boonsboro adopted a Green Purchasing Policy in May of 2014. The Town used the template provided by Sustainable Maryland almost word for word as its policy. Staff presented the policy at a workshop meeting of the Boonsboro Mayor and Council. The policy will provide the Town a guide to consider when making purchases. The Town does not have an existing procurement policy in place, thus the Council and staff felt that the Green Purchasing Policy will provide a good basis for items to consider when purchasing, and continue to move the Town forward with sustainable practices. The Mayor and Council adopted the policy at a regular meeting on May 5, 2014. The Town Manager has subsequently shared the policy with those staff via a memo (see attachment) that make purchases and hopes to implement further specific reference documents based upon the policy to move forward in the process of green purchasing. The policy was also posted on the town's website; Since 2014, the policy remains the same and staff considers the policy when making purchases such as recycled paper and recycled plastic materials for park benches and tables. The Town continually purchases the "Sustainable Earth" product line from Staples for cleaning products, such as compostable wipes, as well. The Green Purchasing Policy remains in effect in 2020.

    Local Business Roundtable

    15 Points

    Program Summary: The Boonsboro Economic Development Commission hosts Networking Breakfasts at a local restaurant every other month on the third Friday. These breakfasts are open to area business and community leaders. The EDC secretary sends out invitations to members of the EDC, all area businesses, the Mayor and Council, and Town Manager, County officials, Chamber of Commerce and anyone who has expressed an interest in attending. The cost is kept low and the food abundant to encourage attendance, and there is always a guest speaker scheduled to educate and inspire our business community in terms of the quality and growth. Each breakfast adheres to the following agenda: *Check-in and Meet and Greet *Coffee and Breakfast Buffet *Welcome from EDC Chairperson *Round-Robin where each person introduces him or herself and makes any announcements pertaining to their business or an upcoming community event. *Guest Speaker presentation/Q&A *Final announcements and Door Prize Drawings *Adjournment/Further Networking These gatherings are very well received, with an average attendance of 35 individuals. The feedback on all accounts has been favorable. Many connections have been made, business has been conducted and a camaraderie has developed that’s improved relations among businesses, town government and community organizations. Minutes are not taken of the proceedings. UPDATE: Due to COVID-19, all breakfasts have been temporarily suspended and meetings now take place in the park pavilion (social distancing). Recent meetings were held in October and December 2019, and February and June 2020 (no meeting in April).

    Establish Local Business Directory

    10 Points

    Program Summary: Since the inception of Boonsboro’s town website, our town has maintained a Business Directory ( Area businesses simply need to contact our administrative assistant and provide their basic contact information. This alphabetical list is not only helpful to current residents, but helps individuals and businesses who are interested in relocating to our community. Several years ago, the Boonsboro Economic Development Commission used this directory to establish the initial mailing list inviting businesses and organizations to participate in bi-monthly networking breakfasts. Shortly thereafter, the Boonsboro EDC offered breakfast attendees and other business owners the opportunity to be part of a town brochure highlighting Boonsboro’s history, community activities, and local businesses. The first Boonsboro brochures were distributed in June of 2013, and continue to be available to residents and visitors alike. The goal of the EDC is to update the business directory portion of the brochure every other year. Most recently, the directory was updated in the December of 2019. The Business Directories used by the Town of Boonsboro are promoted and distributed in a variety of ways. The online directory is available 24-7 through the town’s website, which is kept up to date by our full-time administrative assistant. The town’s brochure with business listings is distributed at networking breakfasts, local businesses, Town Hall, Washington County’s Visitor Center in the heart of downtown Hagerstown, Washington County’s Agricultural Heritage Center, and at widely attended Maryland Municipal League conferences twice a year. Tourism is a large part of the local economy in Boonsboro, due to its proximity to the Antietam Battlefield and the fact that our town is the home of internationally best-selling author Nora Roberts. The Nora Roberts family owns multiple businesses in town, including historic Inn BoonsBoro, which was featured in the widely popular Inn BoonsBoro trilogy. The visitors drawn to our area for these attractions are from around the country (and sometimes around the world) and leave every day with promotional material, further spreading the word on what our business community has to offer. UPDATE: This information is still current and applicable.

    Buy Local Campaign

    15 Points

    Program Summary: The Economic Development Commission (EDC) and the Environmental Commission/Green Team began discussions in 2015 about establishing a buy local campaign. During the 2015 season of the Farmer’s Market, the EDC hosted a table to begin promoting the local businesses. In 2016, the EDC established a “First Saturday” program. The First Saturday program encourages town residents to shop locally and participating businesses offer a discount to locals that come shop and support the businesses on the event Saturdays. The program began in fall of 2016 and continues the first Saturday of each month. The Town continues to promote the program through its webapage, facebook, banners, and the newspaper. Individual signs are also displayed at the local businesses reminding to support local. The Economic Development Commission manages and funds the program using their annual budget. Approximately $500 has been allocated to the Buy Local campaign. At times, the First Saturday program has partnered with existing events, such as the Farmer's Market and National Night Out to promote buying local. In 2019, the County Farmers Markets promoted its Third "Buy Local Challenge." All markets were asked to encourage their patrons to participate in the challenge. Buy something at a FM, then post a photo of you with your purchase. You would then be entered into a contest. Best adult and child entries would win a great prize from the SMADC (Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission). The 2020 Challenge has been postponed.

  • Natural Resources

    Innovative Demonstration Projects - Natural Resources

    30 Points

    Program Summary: IDP - Monarch Butterfly Pledge and Waystation - this project was completed, 2019. The Waystation was installed by a Boy Scout for his Eagle Project. Unfortunately, after he graduated, the Waystation was somewhat neglected. A few community members and a Master Gardener tended to it on a few occasions. However, we now have a Boy Scout troop (summer, 2020) that has taken over responsibilities, which should make it a sustainable project for the Waystation for years to come. There have been out of town visitors to the Waystation, looking to compare it to others. IDP - Living Wall Stream Restoration - UPDATE: This is self-maintaining by design. The Town Maintenance crew checks on it annually to make sure it is holding up. PLEASE SCROLL DOWN on the Living Wall Document (below) to see installation pics. UPDATE: There was no more room under Documents below to add an updated photo. Grasses have now covered the wall to help stabilize it. IDP - Urban Forestry and PLANT Award - last awarded 2019 IDP - Tree Care Seminars. The Chair of the Tree Board (subcommittee of the Park Board) offered two Tree Care Seminars, one on October 20, 2019, and the other was scheduled for April 26, 2020 (which had to be cancelled due to COVID-19). Topics included (from the Agenda): Tree Selection, Tree Planting, Tree Health, Pests, Diseases and Their Control, Proper Pruning Techniques and Who to Call When. There were two attendees and three presenters. There was no cost to attendees as it was a town-sponsored event.

    Tree City USA

    15 Points

    Program Summary: In 2015, members from the Boonsboro Environmental Commission and Boonsboro Park Board formed a Tree Committee to pursue achieving Tree City USA recognition. The Tree Committee documented the Town’s activities, such as yard debris pickup, and tree plantings and planned new events/activities such as an Arbor Day Celebration to use for the Tree City USA program. The Town completed its first Tree City Application in 2015 and achieved Tree City USA acceptance and recognition for having a tree ordinance and an annual budget of at least $2 per capita (Boonsboro spends $6.1 per capita). In 2016, the Town continued the Tree City program by continuing with the tree ordinance, adopting an Arbor Day Proclamation, and spending $6.58 per capita towards tree efforts. The Town of Boonsboro also received a Growth Award within the Tree City program in 2016 for performing a tree inventory analysis and publicity. The Town continues to participate in the Tree City USA program and the Tree Committee looks forward to continuing its progress. The latest Tree City USA award was given to Boonsboro in 2018 along with a new "Growth Award" at that time.

    Adopt a Pet Waste Ordinance

    5 Points

    Program Summary: Since 1990, the Town of Boonsboro has adopted an Animal Control Ordinance, which includes a provision for pet waste. The Ordinance has been amended various times throughout its twenty plus years of existence, with the most recent amendment occurring in May of 2013. The Ordinance specifically states it is unlawful for a pet owner to allow his or her animal to defecate on public property unless the owner immediately removes and disposes of the waste in a sanitary manner (Section 28 of the Animal Control Ordinance). The Ordinance also provides for a civil penalty (Section 45 of the Animal Control Ordinance) and is enforced by the Washington County Animal Control Officer (see attached Resolution2013-02 which gives Washington County the enforcement authority for the Town). *The Town still has this Ordinance in place and it is enforced by Washington County 2020.

    Develop a Pet Waste Program

    5 Points

    Program Summary: The Town of Boonsboro recently revised its park regulations to allow dogs on a leash in the 30+ acre community park. As part of the change to allow dogs within the park, the Town implemented a pet waste program. The program, managed by the Public Works Superintendent, consists of two pet waste stations being installed at different places within the park initially, and then two additional pet waste stations to be installed near the park. The Superintendent will also address the maintenance of the stations and concerns of areas not covered by the pet waste stations. The Pet Waste Stations were donated to the Town of Boonsboro through the County Wide program of opening parks up to dogs. The Town will plan to consider purchasing additional stations and signage as the program is implemented. In order to educate the public on the implementation of the program, the Town has published on a social network, in the Town Newsletter, mentioned in public meetings, and on the webpage the installation of the pet waste stations. The County has also published material on using the pet waste stations and included the Town as part of their program Since 2014, the Town has purchased additional waste stations for Shafer Park and continues to educate the public about the necessity of using the stations. UPDATE: No new pet waste stations have been installed since 2014. Pet owners are very good about using the receptacles in the park, which are maintained on a weekly basis by the Town Maintenance crew.

    Implement a Pet Waste Education Program

    5 Points

    Program Summary: Each of the Town of Boonsboro's quarterly newsletters states that pet owners need to be responsible for their own pets. In other words, cleaning up after them--whether in the town park or while walking their dog around town. (Blurb is in lower right hand column)

    Develop a Water Conservation Plan

    15 Points

    Program Summary: In 2006, a Water Audit, Water Conservation, and Best Management Practices report was prepared for the Town of Boonsboro. In 2016, a committee comprised of Utility Commission members, Environmental Commission members, and Town staff began updating and reformatting the water conservation plan with the intent of providing updated information in a simpler format. In May of 2017, the Mayor and Council adopted the 2017 Water Conservation Plan that provides information on the existing system, water audits, projected demand, planned improvements, conservation measures, and public education.

    Stormwater Management Program

    15 Points

    Program Summary: In the Spring of 2014, the Town of Boonsboro partnered with a group of five senior Environmental Science and Technology (ENST) students at the University of Maryland to develop a basic stormwater action plan. Since 2014, the Town has actively been working on stormwater management items and uses the action plan as a guide. Town Engineer Brian Hopkins is in charge of activities relating to stormwater and he evaluates stormwater management and action items. As the Town has a stormdrain system and various stormwater facilities, the Town has a functioning stormwater management system. In winter of 2015, the Town had Beth Seabright, an intern, design a stormwater management project for the Potomac Street drainage area that drains to Shafer park that would serve a large drainage area within the Town and further treat stormwater. The project creates a bioswale for the stormwater to drain to and treat before discharging in to the park area. In winter of 2016, intern Beth Seabright also updated the Town's existing maps of stormwater facilities. Update: The Town relies on grant and capital improvement spending to implement SWM projects. Projects are prioritized based upon an immediate need. The Town performs on-going stormwater activities such as bi-monthly street cleaning, stormwater facilities maintenance, storm drain facilities maintenance, and erosion controls. UPDATE: The Town of Boonsboro is an MDE - MS4 Permittee and we are charged with reporting and policing illicit discharges, educating residents about sediment erosion control and limiting the total maximum daily load into local waterways and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay. We are required to mitigate 20% of the Town's impervious surfaces by the end of our 5-year permit in 2024.

    Provide Voluntary Opportunities for Citizen Engagement in Watershed Stewardship

    10 Points

    Program Summary: The Town of Boonsboro holds an annual stream clean-up of the two streams that traverse through Shafer Park, a 55 acre community owned park centrally located within Town. The most recent clean-up was held in conjunction with the Arbor Day celebration on April 23, 2017 from 1 to 4pm. The event was publicized in the newspaper, as well as posted on the Town’s webpage and Facebook page. Approximately 20 volunteers attended and collected approximately 10 large 5-gallon trash bags worth of rubbish found in or along the streams. Town staff assists with providing rakes, shovels, trash bags and assists with the promotion. This event costs less than $50 annually and is funded through the park maintenance budget. UPDATE: In 2019, there were 32 volunteers helping with the Stream Clean-Up. The 2020 Stream Clean-Up/Arbor Day (tree planting) Event in April was cancelled due to COVID-19, however, a make-up event is tentatively planned for November, 2020.

  • Planning & Land Use

    Innovative Demonstration Projects - Planning & Land Use

    15 Points

    Program Summary: IDP- Forest Mitigation Bank The Town Planner manages this program. There has been no new development in town the past 3 years.

  • Transportation

    Innovative Demonstration Projects - Transportation

    10 Points

    Program Summary: Community Based Food - IDP #1 - Backyard Chickens - Even though the Backyard Chicken Ordinance was approved in 2014, it was not added to the SMC Application previously. A town resident (who happened to be on the Green Team/Environmental Commission), presented a request to the Town Council, requesting residents be allowed to have backyard chickens within town limits. Megan Clark, our previous Town Manager, did all the research for the Ordinance, which eventually came through as an amendment to the Zoning Board. On 9/1/2020 a Revised Amendment was passed regarding fees: "Recommendation to reduce the fees for the Domestic Chicken Permit from $80 to $50 with no ‘per square foot’ fee and to remove the annual $50 Chicken Permit Renewal Fee." Amendment was passed unanimously. Currently there are 6 permits on file.